Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kelsey and I getting our "Elfy" groove on. LOL

Sunday, November 9, 2008

We Made A Purse Today

Today Kelsey and I sat together at my sewing machine,
and I showed her how to make a purse.

Actually it's more like a smaller version of a book bag,
but it's what all the girls around here carry.
We see them all the time in stores for about $15,
but I said it would be so easy to make them and a lot cheaper.
So she wanted to do it.

Mind you, this girls hates doing things like this.
Last year in home economics class, they had to sew
4 straight seems on a piece of fabric that was going onto a
napkin holder. Hers was handed in late because she
couldn't stitch a straight line and had to keep tearing it out
and starting over. She didn't have to, she wanted too,
the teacher said it was fine. Kelsey's just a perfectionist.
She said she never wanted to sew again.

I grew up sewing.
I always made Barbie clothes and even clothes for myself.
I made my graduation dress, my wedding gown
and the bridesmaid dress.
So her not liking to sew was unimaginable to me.
It just came naturally to me so couldn't believe it
was so hard for her.

Anyway... here's the purse we made.
She picked out the fabric, it cost $3.32to make.

It was nice spending time with her,
showing her something I'm good at.
Being able to share with her something I enjoy.

And the best part... She wants to make more.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Time Voter

I voted for the first time today.
Kelsey has been urging me for years to vote.
As of this morning I was still leaning toward not voting.

But one of the polling places was at the school I work at so I just popped in and asked them what I needed to do to register. ALL I needed was my drivers license. Easy enough.

So when Kelsey got home, we walk over to the school and registered to vote.
And "I VOTED"!
I must say, I'm pretty proud of myself.

Kelsey also did the Smart Vote for kids

I can't wait to see who wins

Monday, November 3, 2008


A few Halloween pictures...

Me as a ghost...

Tim as the guy that scares little kids...

Kelsey and her friends...
(Saleena, Kasey, Kelsey)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kids Today Have No Direction

Well, at least my daughter doesn't.
And I mean a "No Sense Of Direction".

Kelsey is 13 years old and has no idea
how to get anywhere in our town.
We got into a discussion about knowing directions...

We had to take friend of hers home yesterday,
she's from a neighboring town and knew her address,
but had no idea how to get to her house.
Once we tracked down directions, she said the house was
"up there on the left",
turns out she didn't know left from right either.

Were were talking about this with Kelsey
and she also had no idea how to get to our house.

This was kind of a shock to me, because she's lived here practically all her life.

But if you think about it, in this day and age of technology,
how would she know???
Kids these days are to busy talking on cell phones, texting or
scrolling through song lists on MP3 players to pay attention to
where we're going when we chauffeur them around.
On longer trips there are car DVD players and laptops to watch
movies on, and hand help electronic games.
Why watch the scenery? Who cares where you are.

This is really bugging me.
She can get her temps in 2 years, the poor kid won't be able to find
her way home her first time out.
Luckily she's always got that trusty distraction called a cell phone.
She'll be able to call for directions.