Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So Boring

Bloggity Blog Blog Blog...

I have no life, I'm just a boring person! I have nothing fun to write about!

Kelsey leaves at 7am and I'm alone and bored till 11am when I go to work.
Gone an hour and a half and I come back to the same bordom. BLAH

I clean up my house and sit on the computer.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Mums

Just a quick picture of how I decorated the mums that we gave Tim's aunt and uncle
for their anniversary.
They said no gifts, but I couldn't go empty handed.

I used a brown paper grocery bag, 2 yards of wired ribbon (50 cents a yard) and a kabob skewer for the card holder. I cut a piece of the grocery bag to fit into my printer and printed out the card.

We also made them a video slide show to continually play during the party.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Teaspoon or Tablespoon

Tim made dinner last night.
Actually he made it all day in the slow cooker.
He wanted to do Korean Ribs, something we all enjoy,
even "Miss Picky", Kelsey.
They are a fantastic Asian style rib with a great sauce that we put over rice.
They're a little spicy, not much, just a bit of kick.

My first clue that something was a little different was when I snitched a tiny piece of meat from the edge of the platter and my tongue was immediately on fire. I stood up and paused, and thought, "Wow, I must have gotten one of the crushed red peppers... whew!!"

Well, we all sat down to dinner, we all got ourselves served. I took my first bit of meat, wow, another hot piece. Kelsey says, "Is it hotter than usual, or is it just me?" Mind you, she hasn't been able to taste anything for 3 days because she has a bad cold. I told her it seems a bit more spicy, but it wasn't bad.

Tim just kept eating, proud of his creation...

Then I tried my sauce covered rice....

The heat took my breath away!!! And I actually took another bite.... with tears in my eyes, I took another bite. Trying to ignore the pain, as to not hurt Tim's feelings, I even took another bite. Ok, at this point, the inside of my lips were on fire, I could no longer feel my tongue, my throat was burning, my eyes were burning and my nose was running. Tim still just kept right on eating, and I noticed Kelsey was only eating plain rice.

I asked how much crushed red pepper he put in.
He said he double the sauce recipe and put in 3 tablespoons.
I said, "You mean teaspoons?" He said "No, all the measurements were tablespoons."
No way.
I went to check the recipe... it called for 1/2 teaspoon.

OMG, no wonder we were on fire!

Even doubled it should have been 1 teaspoon.
That makes for a 8 teaspoon overdose on the heat.

He has no clue were he got the idea that 3 tablespoons was good. LOL
Next time, he'll wear is glasses. :o)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

No More Ugly

Oh what a beautiful day to have a big hole in my kitchen wall!!!

I was worried that it would rain, or be cold or we would have wasps flying into my kitchen since it's that time of year, but the day was perfect for replacing the kitchen window.

Tim replaced our old kitchen window this morning with a new vinyl replacement window. The old one was an old wood frame one that was water stained and peeling. It was probably original to the house when it was built in 1952. It was just drafty, old and ugly to look at every time I washed dishes. I don't think the new window will make washing dishes anymore enjoyable, but it's worth a try. LOL

It only took $135 and an hour and a half of work, and it was in.

He had to pull off all the trim from the window (kitchen side), pull out the old widow and all the sliders and springs, pop in the new window, screw it to the window frame, caulk around it and put the trim back on.

Since we bought the house 9 years ago, he's replaced 9 widows (only 2 more to go). He also stripped all the cupboards and refinished them. There was also an old stove top in the counter and oven built in to the wall. That all went too, making more counter space, which also ment all new counter tops. He also put a breakfast bar in there.

He redid our bathroom too. The walls were pink and black plastic tiles half way up.
Very 50's. There was no shower, so he put up a new tub surround and put in new pipes for a shower. Out with the old monstrosity of a vanity, in with a nice new one. And new lights and medicine cabinet.
He built an enclosed patio off our garage.

Fenced in the back yard.

We've had a new roof put on twice, the second time was from hail damage.

And all new siding last year, also because of hail damage.

He also upgraded all the electrical when we moved in.

He really takes pride in all the work he's done to make improvements in our home.

Next summer, he'll be putting in a new front door. He can't wait to to start ripping that apart!!

Free Scrapping

I'm so excited... Last night I discovered that a scrapbooking program that I use for touching up photos can actually be used for scrapbooking. LOL
Go figure.

I keep seeing all kinds of beautiful downloadable free scrapbooking kits all over the internet that I wished I had a use for, and now I do!

Now I'll really be able to dress up my different profiles and home pages. It'll be nice to make coordinating headers and siggies. The program I have is super easy, which is great since I lack the intelligence to figure out Paint Shop Pro.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Well, The Drama Is Over

Finally, the teenage drama between Kelsey and her
best friend is over.
Since Saturday we've had to deal with a crying, pouting, whining, crabby depressed kid.

I'm glad they are good again, but Kelsey needs to realize that sometimes people grow apart.
Just because someone isn't your 'best friend' doesn't mean they're not your 'friend'.

But for now, I'm glad they're happy again.

This is my favorite picture of them.

It's was taken about 2 years ago.

Kelsey (top)... Asha (bottom)

Monday, September 15, 2008

My Weekend

My weekend started out great with the football game Friday night. Our team lost, but the show put on by the visiting University of Wisconsin Badger State Band was unbelievable. The performed 3 times, including a 5th quarter show that lasted about 1/2 with everyone in the stands dancing and singing. It was so exciting. Makes me want to start going to the Badger games just to see the band. All through the game, small groups from the band would walk through the stands and perform.

Saturday we went to the Fall Maple Fest in Marshfield, it was misting and raining most of the day. We bought a few little things, but it was too yucky out to enjoy ourselves, so we just went shopping. Kelsey was supposed to do something with her best friend when we got back into town, but her friend made plans with out girls instead, totally ignoring Kelsey. This has been happening so much lately with this girl. Kelsey cried all the way home and on and off all night. Every time her friend would call, she would just ignore it. I said maybe she was calling to ask her to do something. Kelsey wasn't having it. She said "if she's asking now, it's out of pity".She didn't want her to invite her because she felt bad, she want her to ask because they're best friends. The joys of 13 year old girls. I remember the days. But it broke my heart to see her so upset, knowing there was nothing I could do to help.

And Sunday, I was sick. So, so, sick. It started with a headache in the morning and progressed to vomiting all day. I never left my bed. At about 7pm, Tim decide I needed fluids and hooked me up to IV (he's a paramedic). That sucker hurt, he tried 3 times to hit a vein, but because I was so dehydrated it was hard to get into one. But it seemed to help a bit. I was able to eat a piece of toast and 1/2 of a scrambled egg.

Now today I feel better, just a slight headache. I'm still going to work.

Kelsey has her first volleyball game tonight. I wish I could just stay home and relax. She said I don't have to come, that she wouldn't even know if I was there anyway. But I'm going. How could I miss that? She got her uniform on Friday, she's number 1. But I didn't need to see the shirt to know that. :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting Ready For The Game

Are you ready for some football???
I am!

Tomorrow night we're going to the High School Football game. Our Lincoln High School plays against rival Stevens Point Area Senior High. We even bought advanced tickets for this one.
Tomorrow night there's added excitement to the game night, the 350-member University of Wisconsin Marching Band will perform during the game and halftime, as well as the band's famed "fifth quarter" postgame event. I can't wait to see the perform!!!

The gates open at 4pm and the game starts at 7pm, but we will be there at 4.
They sold advance tickets and the place is going to be packed. We can stake out some good seats can watch them practice too.

We're getting all geared up. I work for the school district, so I've got my free pass ready to go. We've got our stadium seats out. Our red Lincoln sweatshirts, jackets, gloves and hats. Our spirit beads, noise makers and face tattoos. Well, Kelsey wears the tatoos, not me.
Got cash out of the bank for concessions, since that's where we're having dinner.
Burgers and nachos, yum.

I love going to the games, but honestly, I hardly watch the football. LOL
I'm usually talking to someone I know, or kids that I used to have in school come give me hugs and chit chat. It's more than just a game for me, it's a social event.

Stupid Computer

I have a love/hate relationship with my computer.
I love to be on it, but I think it hates me.
Everyday I get messages, sometimes 5-6 times a day that say "Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working", then it boots me off the internet and restarts,. GRRRRR!
I can't figure out what to do to fix it.

Now I've been trying all morning to get into Yuku, but it's down for repairs.
Why don't they do that crap in the middle of the night?????
Yuku upsets me more than anything right now because I'm trying to find information on my friend Dawn. I wanna know how she is and if everything went ok with the baby. She should have had Sophie a couple hours ago. I WANNA KNOW!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dull Mornings

Oh my geez, I'm so bored!
On school days I just putter around all morning doing the most mundane things just trying to keep busy before work. This morning I've washed and folded a load of laundry, the stuff I folded was from three days ago, I forgot it was in the dryer. LOL Picked up Kelsey's shoes from all over the house and put them away. Cleaned and reorganized my desk. Ate a bagel with cream cheese. And now I'm back at the computer.

I need to go take a quick shower, which means my legs will stay stubbley for another day, and get ready for work. And, "oh what to wear?" Last time I checked it was 41 degrees out. I'll be outside on the playground for an hour and a half and the temp is supposed to reach 67. I'm not used to wearing warmer clothes yet. I have yet to try on a pair of my jeans, I just know there going to be to tight. And I am not looking forward to jeans shopping! So I guess it'll be capri's and a sweatshirt.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Did It

Well, I did it.
I made my blog pretty.

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing...

And I usually don't!

Right now I'm sitting on my ass trying to figure out how to "blog" while there are so many other worth while things I could be doing. Like watching TV or taking a nap.

I've got 42 minutes till I have to be at school to pick my daughter up from volleyball practice.
Then I"ll have someone to talk to, which is still kinda like talking to myself.

This is how it will go:
Me: "How was your day?"
Her: "Good."
Me: "What did you do?"
Her: "I don't know."
Me: "How was practice?"
Her: "Good."
Me: "Do you have homework?"
Her: "I don't know."
Me: "What do you mean you don't know?"
Her: "I don't know."
Me: "What do you want for dinner?"
Her: "I don't know."

I'm pretty sure because she's 13 that that's the best I'm going to get out of her for a while.

Now I need to go glance at Kerri's Blog again, scratch my head and wonder how she made such a great profile. I want a pretty one too. (I said that in my most irritating whiny voice, in my head of course... lol)